One major project this summer will be a new roof. We have hired a contractor to do that work and he is supposed to start that this week. :) 
In preparation for the new roof, we needed to install ceiling collar ties inside the house. We have no beam along the ridge to hold the side beams together. Collar ties connect them and will hopefully secure the house before the new roof is installed. You can see from the picture that the collar ties installed hold the sides together. We don't want the house to spread any more than it already has. Check out the spaces at the peak already.
So, we went over for the day a few weekends ago to measure, cut and prime the 2X4s we were going to use. We went back last weekend to install them. Now there are collar ties connecting almost all the beams in the house. This isn't the glamorous stuff like painting, installing new fixtures or decorating but so necessary on an old house to ensure it will be around another 150 years!
Our activity is picking up and we anticipate many more postings over the next several months. Stay tuned......
That's one happy worker!