Once again this June, Dave Crawford and the West Tisbury School hosted the regional technology directors' meeting. After gathering in Falmouth at 7:30 AM to catch the 8:15 ferry, Steve Kawalski from Apple bought us a cab to get to the school. This year, Dave shared his iPad deployment experience! It was very informative.
We then moved our meeting to 23 Trinity Park for some lunch. Only four of the twelve individuals saw the cottage last year and could appreciate all the changes, but they did! The weather was a bit cool so we stayed indoors. After lunch, we all walked into town for a few minutes and then caught the 1:15 ferry out of Oak Bluffs back home. Of course, the ferry rides to and from MV were spent sharing ideas, apps, and experiences with one another.
It was a fun, informative day. Thanks Dave for hosting and Steve for supporting it. Steve took the picture with his iPhone for the blog!